Tuesday, May 24, 2011

it has begun...

the lightening of the load...
Is the end really important? Or is the journey everything?
Goal oriented is amazing when it succeeds, but demoralizing in its failure. 

"Trying is the first step towards failure."

..............................Homer Simpson

But then, what's wrong with failure, eh? I seem to remember that along with being the greatest hitter in baseball, Babe Ruth was also a strike-out king.
I haven't looked it up, yet, but, it's unimportant. 
Yoda was wrong. His famous words to Luke Skywalker were:
"There is no try. Either do, or don't do."

There's "try.
Without "try" there is a gray, drab existence of doing what others tell you always. 
Without "try"...there are no dreams come true.

Roses are Red...

Violets are Blue...

Hey, wait a minute, those weren't roses like I said...

If I said the Barn is Red, would that be alright with you?